Ogre Island Guilds

Guild Tag #Players #Levels
Guardians of OI GOI 80 2496
SPARTANS OF OI 300 24 626
Scion of Wizards SoW 13 503
Resurrection Of Darkness ROD 20 439
Creating Success Together CST 13 403
Apocalyptic Rebellious Groove ARG 15 300
Zebras on Reefer z0r 10 287
Ogre Island Daywalkers OID 17 273
Unholy Union U*u 9 239
Blackhearts =B= 7 225
Bot Or Trust BoT 12 224
Renegades |2e 3 166
malevolent creations M*C 7 163
Star IV *IV 5 144
Knights of the Round Table KRT 4 128
Unhinged Heathens Uh* 4 122
Angels of Guidance AoG 3 100
House Stark of Winterfell hSw 5 97
Sleeping Knights SKs 2 84
Anarchy xAx 2 82
Rest In Pieces RIP 3 66
Army of One AoO 1 60
Gods Amongst Men GAM 3 51
Ogre Island -OI 4 51
New Generation Order NGO 1 51
Serendipity ~S~ 3 46
Elite Warriors EW* 1 40
Empire EMP 2 35
Bows Are Us B*M 1 30
Elite Guard ^G^ 1 29
Dream Warriors D-W 1 23
xMA4Bx APE 1 23
Grimoire Heart ~GH 1 21
Dungeonrealms pkers PKS 1 20
Morbid Angels ROT 1 20
Losers of Ogre Island LoO 1 16

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You must be level 10 in order to join a guild.

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Creating a guild is easy. If you would like to create a guild, simply choose a guild name and a 3 letter tag. You will need to be level 15 or above to create a guild.

Guild name:
Guild tag:
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